671 Hey, hey ... it's Easter

It’s that time of year again and the Christian religious lobby is in top gear to deceive and delude us. The Easter message  (SMH is a mindfuck ...


... "the idea that the creator of the universe would enter the human drama as a child and then, in order to redeem it, willingly submit to a brutal and humiliating death” is ingrained in the fibre of Western history as the moment "when a revolutionary understanding of the value of every individual ... began to grow, (merging into) the foundation on which ... our most treasured convictions rest - and asking ourselves what it is that gives them the resonance of … truth."

What "revolutionary understanding of the value of every individual" would that be? The one displayed during the Inquisition? Or the one resulting in the abuse of children by clergy over the past few hundred years? Why does the individual only have value - why is ethical behaviour only possible - when the "believer" disconnects logical thinking and submits to delusion, humbug and lies ... about the birth of the son of God from a virgin, of resurrection from the dead etc.?

And, yes, let's talk about truth. The Christian truth is there is a holy trinity ... of God, the son and the holy spirit. Some truth ... why is it not enough to take the following statement at face value, why do we need to corrupt it with incomprehensible babble:

Australian moral philosopher Raimond Gaita - who is not a believer - writes ... "we may say that all human beings are inestimably precious, that they are ends in themselves, that they are owed unconditional respect, that they possess inalienable rights, and, of course, that they possess inalienable dignity.”

In case you were wondering, yes ... I do concern myself with  truth  and  The Truth; more  than once.  This is the  preface  to my book with no name, instead three definitions for the term  en.light.en.ment