Supported Organisations


Supported Organisations

This is a list of charitable, educational organisations UNITY Charity will support.

In due time a facility will be in place where you can make your donation.

Why donate to UNITY and not directly to the organisations listed below? Unity will spread the available funds, which means that your donation dollar will go further ... importantly, while ensuring that no additional administration costs will accrue.

Unity will keep adding to and shall keep researching charitable educational organisations and agencies to inform you and bring to your attention institutions you hadn't been aware of ... in itself an educational undertaking that will advance worthy education goals as per the UNITY Charity Charter for both children and adults.

Furthermore, UNITY will support charities that help children and youth in need. UNITY acknowledges that our biggest problems aren’t drugs, unemployment or crime - but homeless, uneducated youth; the disillusioned, homeless youth of today, without a proper education, may be drug addicted, unemployed criminals tomorrow.

Do you know of a charity whose goals match our charter? Please   contact me.


To help with the general Objects of Krishnamurti Australia in the distribution and dissemination of Krishnamurti's Works, funds are necessary to fulfil the aspirations of Krishnamurti Australia.

Krishnamurti on education:

"There is a questioning today of the basic postulates of the educational structure and its various systems in India and in the rest of the world. At all levels there is a growing realization that the existing models have failed and that there is a total lack of relevance between the human being and the complex, contemporary society.

"The ecological crisis and increasing poverty, hunger and violence, are forcing man inevitably to face the realities of the human situation. At a time like this, a completely new approach to the postulates of education is necessary." 

Krishnamurti questions the roots of our culture. His challenge is addressed not only to the structure of education but to the nature and quality of man's mind and life.

Unlike all other attempts to salvage or suggest alternatives to the educational system, Krishnamurti's approach breaks through frontiers of particular cultures and establishes an entirely new set of values, which in turn can create a new civilization and a new society.


Krishnamurti’s teachings do not belong to us. Rather, we are entrusted to preserve and disseminate the teachings. We do this through maintaining archives of Krishnamurti’s talks, interviews, and writings; a free library open to the public; publications and outreach; a year-round educational retreat center for adults to explore the teachings individually or in groups. As a nonprofit charity, we rely on your gift to provide and strengthen all operations of the KFA.


J. Krishnamurti Online is the official online repository of the teachings of J. Krishnamurti. What began as the need to make Krishnamurti’s teachings available online for free, has grown into a wonderful resource: a huge library of texts, videos and audios, all available for free in ten languages. It has become a great resource.

However, there is still a lot of work to do on it. The J. Krishnamurti site is self-sustaining, free of advertising, and support is essential for it to continue to flourish and reach out to people throughout the world.

UNITY is deeply indebted to J. Krishnamurti Online and will support the site.



Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia; it is the largest and most popular general reference work on the Internet and is ranked among the ten most popular websites.Wikipedia is owned by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation. The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (WMF) is an American non-profit and charitable organisation.

UNITY is using Wikipedia daily and regular donations are made to support it.


The Rationalist Society of Australia

Australia’s oldest free-thought association


Rationalists hold that all significant beliefs and actions should be based on reason and evidence, that the natural world is the only world there is, and that answers to the key questions of human existence are to be found only in that natural world. “We’re in favour of science and evidence as opposed to superstition and bigotry!”


Fairness in Religions in School is a group of parents and citizens who want education about religions in state schools that is:

Delivered by teachers employed by education departments without bias, using materials in the Australian Curriculum

Respectful of the secular nature of state schools

Consistent with Australia’s multicultural society

Inclusive, not divisive or discriminatory

Committed to fostering citizenship

FIRIS supports the NSW Department of Education’s statement that ‘schools are neutral grounds for rational discourse and objective study’, and that public schools should not be arenas for ‘opposing political views or ideologies’. The Department allows religious organisations to do things other organisations cannot.

FIRIS believes the Department should apply its policies and curriculum consistently and fairly throughout every school day.

On the FIRIS website is a shocking, abhorrent training video, about religious indoctrination of school children ... Child Evangelists: In Their Own Words ... the educator says, among making numerous other outrageous claims, that all religions other than his religion (Christianity) are just "figments of other people's imaginations".


Malala Fund is working for a world where every girl can learn and lead without fear. Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani student and education activist who began speaking out for girls’ education at the age of 11.

After surviving an assassination attempt by the Taliban at 15, she co-founded Malala Fund with her father Ziauddin. She is the youngest ever Nobel Laureate. Malala currently lives in the U.K. with her family.

Founded in 2013, Malala Fund champions every girl’s right to 12 years of free, safe, quality education. We believe girls are the best investment in the future peace and prosperity of our world.

Malala Fund works in regions where the most girls miss out on secondary education. Our priority countries are Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and countries housing Syrian refugees (Lebanon and Jordan).


As a leader in interfaith education for over 50 years, the Temple of Understanding creates programs to address the challenges of an interconnected, global society.

By advancing an innovative model of interfaith education, our programs utilize the rich diversity within the New York City tri-state community to educate and create awareness of religious issues, traditions and perspectives with the purpose of breaking down prejudicial boundaries.


Our mission is to empower communities of Central Asia through literacy and education, especially for girls; to promote peace through education; and to convey the importance of these activities globally.

The Central Asia Institute (CAI) builds new schools, repairs and improves existing schools, and purchases equipment - such as uniforms, furniture, and school supplies - for students and teachers. CAI awards advanced-education scholarships to ensure promising students are able to complete their studies. CAI organizes teacher trainings and pays teachers’ salaries.

Students can’t go to school and learn if they aren’t healthy. Maternal healthcare, infant wellness, nutrition, and hygiene programs; disaster relief assistance; and clean water systems are all provided by CAI.

The Pennies for Peace (P4P) encouraging students to learn about their Central Asian counterparts, while raising funds to help them get an education. CAI promotes cross-cultural understanding around the world and campaigns to keep education in the public eye at home and abroad.


Ethics aims to answer one big question: How should I live?

Ethical beliefs shape the way we live – what we do, what we make and the world we create through our choices. Ethical questions explore what Aristotle called 'a life well-lived'. Ethics isn't just an exercise for philosophers or intellectuals. It is at the core of everyday life.

We ask ethical questions whenever we think about how we should act. Being ethical is a part of what defines us as human beings. We are rational, thinking, choosing creatures. We all have the capacity to make conscious choices – although we often act out of habit or in line with the views of the crowd. We could all make conscious and conscientious ethical choices if we wanted to.


The Secular Party claims as its heritage the philosophy of the Enlightenment, which spelled out the importance of finding human solutions to human problems, without resort to notions of the supernatural.

The Enlightenment stressed the benefits to society of individual effort and enterprise, while bearing in mind the need to have regard for the common good of society, and of all humanity.

The major achievements of modern societies are based on the application of such principles, establishing truth through reason, observation and evidence, and by the construction of rational social institutions without the involvement of religion.

While religions may be charitable and consoling, it is undeniable they can foster social disharmony and pose threats to global peace and security. The universal humanist values of compassion, honesty, freedom and justice provide an ethical foundation superior to those provided by any religion.


Montessori Australia shares the mission of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) and works to support the natural development of the human being from birth, early childhood through to maturity. Montessori works to enable children to become the transforming elements of society leading to a harmonious and peaceful world.


Steiner Education Australia is the not for profit national association/peak body representing over 40 Steiner/Waldorf schools and 10 Associate members throughout the states and territories of Australia. Each organisation is independent, but through working together we provide a national voice to promote and support Steiner education in Australia.


Time and time again, Youth Off The Streets sees that even the most troubled teenagers can overcome pasts of trauma and abuse through education and care. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of disadvantage.

Young people who come to Youth Off The Streets leave our care prepared for a brighter future. That means having a high school education and a job in hand. It means living free from drugs with skills to face the world.

Youth Off The Streets empowers young people to participate in and transform their future through the development of their skills, confidence and relationships with each other, their families and their communities.


When children experience violence and trauma, the effects devastate communities, ruin childhoods and in the worst cases kill. Our work protects and empowers Australian children, young people and families into the future.


The Anganwadi Project (TAP) designs and builds ‘anganwadi’ or pre-schools in the slum areas of Ahmedabad, India. TAP recruits and trains Australian design professionals who volunteer their time to live and work in India for 4 - 6 months to oversee the design and construction of these schools. We work in partnership with Manav Sadhna, (an Indian NGO) who is based in Mahatma Gandhi’s Ashram and who carries out Gandhi’s work.


The Footprints Network is an alliance of online e-commerce companies making a difference with a solution that supports sustainable poverty alleviation community programs.

The Footprints technology is the glue between individual donors and projects operated by charities and NGOs. As an entity, The Footprints Network is actually a not for profit association called Footprints Fundraising Inc, incorporated in NSW Australia.

With two billion of the world’s population living on less than $2 a day, alleviating crushing poverty and the health, social and environmental ills that accompany it, is everyone's moral responsibility. Yet the extent of world poverty can seem so overwhelming that many of us are left feeling helpless; that the problems are just too big for any one person to make a difference.

Teacher Training & Quality Education Program, Nepal Himalaya

This project is a part of an ongoing Teacher Training & Quality Education program, which operates in one of the poorest regions of rural Nepal, the Lower Solu Khumbu, and helps to ensure that all children have access to a primary education.


The Africa School Assistance Project (ASAP) is committed to increasing access to quality public education in East Africa, especially for girls. Why?

Because education, more than any other sector of development, seeds dramatic improvement in poverty reduction, gender equality, health outcomes, child immunization, HIV/AIDS prevention, environmental protection and wildlife conservation.

Simply put, widely available public education will lead to a prosperous, peaceful and sustainable future for Africa.



To do that, we build schools to provide communities with a quality education, including primary and secondary schooling, vocational training and other services – such as employment and healthcare solutions.

With your help we can transform developing communities in emerging countries to become educated, productive, sustainable and profitable places – where people can enjoy a healthy, happy and more prosperous future.


The time has come for me to commit to make a difference in an area of great need.

In April 2015 the Nepal earthquake had a devastating impact on lives and communities in the Everest region of Nepal.

124 schools in the lower Solo Khumbu region were affected and 50 of these schools need to be totally rebuilt. You may be aware of David's contribution towards designing replacement schools that will be earthquake resilient.

I'm keen to support the Australian Himalayan Foundation in its long term work of reconstruction, and have decided to participate in their 2016 Rebuild Nepal fundraising trek from 4 - 24 October 2016.

AHF has a long history of involvement with these communities and an ongoing commitment to education programs, teacher training etc.



The UN estimates that 57 million school-age children are currently not in school and research shows progress towards universal enrolment is slowing. These out-of-school boys and girls are being denied their basic human right to access a quality education and without it their future opportunities are dramatically limited.

In remote communities like the Everest region of Nepal, children as young as 11 carry heavy loads for days at a time and have no chance of receiving the benefits of a basic education. In response to this need, our flagship Teacher Training and Quality Education program, operating in one of the poorest regions of rural Nepal, helps ensure that all children have access to primary education.

This far reaching program extends educational opportunities beyond the well resourced upper region in the vicinity of Mt Everest and focuses on the impoverished districts of the lower Solukhumbu (Everest) that are in dire need of educational support. The key challenge facing education in rural districts of Nepal is not building more schools but improving the quality of the education delivered, so children are equipped with the kind of education that changes lives.


