GOING PRO Contacts Database

GOING PRO Contacts Database

Here's the Contacts Database, fill it in diligently! There are three layouts ... the 'Entry Layout', the 'Contacts List' and the 'Address Label'. In the Entry layout you have the 'Name Code'. Use this code to enter into the GOING PRO Jobs Data Base Data Entry layout, press 'tab' and the address details will drop into place.

I use the 'Contacts List' as a printed hard copy, it is from this list I make my phone calls to clients ...
three cold calls to prospective clients every day, OK?! (How else do you think you'll get work!)

The 'Address Label' is designed to print onto a standard sheet of letter paper, not specific address labels ... I use these labels for parcels and large envelopes (don't need labels for letters, I reckon ... haven't sent a letter in years!)