Stoker Park Playground

July 2020: This is the brand new  Stoker Park  Playground on Edinburgh Rd in Sydney's Castlecrag.

Innisfallen Castle, on the opposite shore of Sugarloaf Bay that lies below this park and the rocky outcrop called Edinburgh Castle, inspired the naming of Castlecrag by Walter Burley Griffin. He also named the roads and reserves in Castlecrag after the architectural parts of a castle and this is reflected by the sandstone castle play structures. 

The boat structure and wharf area were inspired by the boatbuilding & repair work carried out on the foreshore when boat transport was vital before roads were built.

Stoker Park is named after Phyl and Michael Stoker, past residents of Castlecrag, to recognise their contribution to the care and welfare of children.

The swing and slide timbers reflect the old wharf timbers. A play on words resulted in the invention of the statue of Walter the Burly Griffin. The plinth on which the statue sits, celebrates the work of the Stokers.

The Stoker Park Playground upgrade is designed by Jan Felton and Alfred Bernhard of Willoughby City Council ...  Jan Felton  made her mark on the Willoughby area and Castlecrag.

Underneath the map below are photos of the Stoker Park Reserve bushwalk down to the shore of Sugarloaf Bay, with the stupendous sandstone steps; I believe I probably photographed all 300 of them. This bushland track has been put in place by the indefatigable Alfred Bernhard who oversees the management of over 300 hectares of Willoughby Council bushland. This is Lord Of The Ring country ... 

I think I just saw Frodo Baggins turn a corner on that path.

All photos iPhone 6 and Photoshop

Jan Felton

Alfred Bernhard and Paul (from W.A. Hamilton Masonry) the stone mason contractor

Alfred Bernhard and the wallaby, the wood structures are by Timber Creations

Jan Felton