701 Jim Jefferies FreeDumb

This week I added a blog with Jim Jefferies' rant about American Gun Culture … that was a comedic highpoint, ever. He’s up there with George Carlin, I reckon … and he’s Austrayan. Jim hadn't been on my radar, but last night we watched his Netflix Special FreeDumb. Life won't be the same; this guy knows things we don't, and he knows how to slide them under our skin.

Anyway, in FreeDumb he has a skit with a de-brief about the Aftermath on his skit on Guns. As I said, Jim hadn't been on my radar and I didn't know when I did the blog that the skit had gone viral, as they say. It is all over the internet, and more ... reputedmediawrite about it, politicians refer to it. Watch the hilarious debrief ... then again, watch the whole show; what a blast (caution: Toilet Humour).

So, what does it all mean? Two things: Jefferies has nailed the issue of "why guns?" For once and for all he has made it clear: The reasons brought forward for gun ownership (defence?) are bullshit; the reason Americans have guns is because they like them. Full stop. Then there is the other point: The Second Amendment; indeed it can be amended (it's an "Amendment", stupid!), but it safely can be said there is not the political will to go down that road ...

... but here's the thing: The United States Constitution, with the Second Amendment, came into law in 1789 (for the record, the Constitution has been amended 27 times). To resolve the issue of gun violence in the US the Constitution with its Second Amendment can be left alone; Jefferies shows this in a hilarious skit: Simply only allow ownership of guns as were available at the time, for defence against an unruly government ... i.e. the weapons of the time: Muscets!

Alright, alright ... what I like especially is Jim's take on "hate can't be brought to heel with more hate ... only love can beat hate." We know that, but he puts a twist to the proposition: If you show people who hate you love, nothing but love ... they probably will still hate you. But in the end ... it is they who will be shown to be the Asshole. Don't be the Asshole, America!

Brilliant, just B R I L L I A N T !