758 Trump? Whose fault is it?

As regards Donald Trump’s election, what can we learn about the processes that have lead to this momentous outcome? How could it have come to this? Incidentally, is it true the majority of Americans wanted this outcome? Well, it is not … more people voted for Clinton than for Trump; but the American electoral system is weird and due to its undemocratic design, Trump got in.


In a  previous blog  I made a joke about how this sort of thing can be avoided in future: Voters should be grouped according to their IQ: Below average IQ voters get 1 vote; average IQ voters get 2 votes; above average IQ voters get 3 votes. 

Yeah, right!


Another point I made in  another blog  is that people have a civic responsibility to inform themselves. Without doing so … trumpism (or hansonism) can gain the upper hand, which - of course - should be avoided. Actually one could probably argue people should get either 1, 2 or 3 votes according to their level of education! 

Heady stuff, this … don’t worry, folks, we’re still in the realm of satire here.


Nevertheless, in my blogs I often reference  Krishnamurti ... K is very much my guide when it comes to questions like ... “OMG. Why Oh Why Is The World Such?” (Frankly, he is my guide, period.) In respect of our query ... he is unequivocal: Ultimately it’s our own fault. Yes, yours and mine. We must accept responsibility. 

In the context of responsibility I do not appreciate Hillary Clinton's turn after the event: It was the FBI's fault she lost the election, what with them publishing their renewed concerns about her email saga so close to the polls. It was yourself, Ms. Clinton, who gave them the ammunition to do so. Accept responsibility!

Krishnamurti  has often referred to the need for each and everyone of us to raise our consciousness. Lower consciousness is the faculty required to deal with our every-day issues like making a living, which clothes to put on in the morning, what to have for lunch, whether to go to the gym today or not etc etc. 

Whereas higher consciousness deals with issues beyond our immediate physical needs and concerns. Only on that level - K argues - are we able to address those "BIG Issues" where we gain enlightenment, i.e. the capacity to see the world as it really is. With all its trumpian and hansonite warts. And only from that higher consciousness vantage point can we effectively address those issues.

Why and How? Higher consciousness - the faculty to know the truth - enables us to see through the petty machinations that stifle our capacity to work for the common good  ...  where we act with ignorance, greed and disregard for our fellow humans.  

I have an essay on  CONSCIOUSNESS  in my book with no title, instead three definitions for the term  en.light.en.ment   ... in fact  I have two.                                                                                   

There is a profound aspect of the difference between Lower Consciousness and Higher Consciousness, as regards our learning: The books we read, the university courses & seminars we attend. These studies involve our Lower Consciousness ... that learning is considered Lower Learning. When we study the teachings of an enlightened individual like  Jiddu Krishnamurti,  we engage in Higher Learning.

Below are a few musings from K, to help you along your path to your enlightenment; if they are not enough (or to prepare you for my way of dealing with  Krishnamurti), visit these previous blogs (the first, 695, uses yet another angle, that of Michael Jackson's view into the mirror, where he sees the man who needs to change). 

(Eversince I wrote this blog I listened to the song many times, which then spurred me on to writing  blog 757  on just that song.)

695 Why and How

Why is the world the way it is; how can it be changed?

522 Krishnamurti wanted a total revolution

For Jiddu Krishnamurti - as he observed the appalling conditions of poverty - it became obvious there must be a total revolution ...


Responsibility for these problems

"Is this vast problem of the world your problem and my problem, or is it independent of us? Is trumpism (I replaced war with trumpism) independent of you? Is the national strife independent of you, the communal strife independent of you? The corruption, the degradation, the moral disintegration - are they independent of each one of us? This disintegration is directly related to us, and therefore the responsibility rests with each one of us. Surely, that is the main problem, isn’t it? That is, to put it differently: Is the problem to be left to the few leaders, either of the left or the right, to the party, to the discipline, to an ideology, to the United Nations, to the expert, to the specialist? Or is it a problem that directly involves us, which means: Are we directly responsible for these problems, or are we not? Surely, that is the issue, is it not?"

Krishnamurti, The Collected Works vol V, pp 182

Crisis in consciousness

"We are facing a tremendous crisis; a crisis which the politicians can never solve because they are programmed to think in a particular way - nor can the scientists understand or solve the crisis; nor yet the business world, the world of money. The turning point, the perceptive decision, the challenge, is not in politics, in religion, in the scientific world; it is in our consciousness. One has to understand the consciousness of mankind, which has brought us to this point."

Krishnamurti, The Network of Thought, p 9

What you are is the external world

"Most of us in this confused and brutal world try to carve out a private life of our own, a life in which we can be happy and peaceful and yet live with the things of this world. We seem to think that the daily life we lead, the life of struggle, conflict, pain and sorrow is something separate from the outer world of misery and confusion. We seem to think the individual, the “you”, is different from the rest of the world with all its atrocities, wars and riots, inequality and injustice and that this is something entirely different from our particular individual life. When you look a little more closely, not only at your own life but also at the world, you will see that what you are - your daily life, what you think, what you feel - is the external world, the world about you."

Krishnamurti, Talks with American Students, p 8

A radical change in society

"In bringing about a radical change in the human being, in you, you are naturally bringing about a radical change in the structure and the nature of society. I think it must be very clearly understood that the human mind, with all its complexity, its intricate network, is part of this external world. The “you” is the world, and in bringing about a fundamental revolution - neither communist nor socialist, but a totally different kind of revolution, within the very structure and nature of the psyche, of yourself - you will bring about a social revolution. It must begin, not outwardly but inwardly, because the outer is the result of our private, inner life. When there is a radical revolution in the very nature of thought, feeling and action, then obviously there will be a change in the structure of society."

Krishnamurti, Talks with American Students, p 8-9

You and society

"What is the relationship between yourself and the misery, the confusion, in and around you? Surely this confusion, this misery, did not come into being by itself. You and I have created it, not a capitalist or a communist or a fascist society, but you and I have created it in our relationship with each other. What you are within has been projected without, on to the world; what you are, what you think and what you feel, what you do in your everyday existence is projected outwardly, and that constitutes the world. If we are miserable, confused, chaotic within, by projection that becomes the world, that becomes society, because the relationship between yourself and myself, between myself and another is society - society is the product of our relationship - and if our relationship is confused, egocentric, narrow, limited, national, we project that and bring chaos into the world."

Krishnamurti, The First and Last Freedom, p 36

Man has divided the earth

"It is our earth, not yours or mine of his. We are meant to live on it, helping each other, not destroying each other. This is not some romantic nonsense but the actual fact. But man has divided the earth, hoping thereby that in the particular he is going to find happiness, security, a sense of abiding comfort. Until a radical change takes place and we wipe out all nationalities, all ideologies, all religious divisions, and establish a global relationship - psychologically first, inwardly, before organizing the outer - we shall go on with wars. If you harm others, if you kill others, whether in anger or by organized murder which is called war, you - who are the rest of humanity, not a separate human being fighting the rest of mankind - are destroying yourself."

Krishnamurti, Krishnamurti to Himself, p 60

You are the world

"You are the world, you are not separate from the world. You are not an American, Russian, Hindu, or Muslim. You are apart from these labels and words, you are the rest of mankind because your consciousness, your reactions are similar to the others. You may speak a different language, have different customs, that is superficial culture—all cultures apparently are superficial—but your consciousness, your reactions, your faith, your beliefs, your ideologies, your fears, anxieties, loneliness, sorrow, and pleasure are similar to the rest of mankind. If you change, it will affect the whole of mankind."

Krishnamurti, Krishnamurti to Himself, p 61

The common ground

"This is the common ground on which all humanity stands. And whatever happens in the field of this consciousness we are responsible. That is: If I am violent, I am adding violence to that consciousness which is common to all of us. If I am not violent, I am not adding to it, I am bringing a totally new factor to that consciousness. So I am profoundly responsible either to contribute to that violence, to that confusion, to the terrible division; or as I recognize deeply in my heart, in my blood, in the depths of my being, that I am the rest of the world, I am mankind, I am the world, the world is not separate from me, then I become totally responsible."

Krishnamurti, Social Responsibility, pp 19-20

The illusion of being different

"A human being psychologically is the whole of mankind. He not only represents it but he is the whole of the human species. He is essentially the whole psyche of mankind. On this actuality various cultures have imposed the illusion that each human being is different. In this illusion mankind has been caught for centuries, and this illusion has become a reality. If one observes closely the whole psychological structure of oneself, one will find that as one suffers, so all mankind suffers in various degrees. If you are lonely, the whole humankind knows this loneliness. Agony, jealousy, envy, and fear are known to all. So psychologically, inwardly, one is like another human being. There may be differences physically, biologically. One is tall or short and so on, but basically one is the representative of all mankind. So psychologically you are the world; you are responsible for the whole of mankind, not for yourself as a separate human being, which is a psychological illusion… If one grasps the full significance of the fact that one is psychologically the world, then responsibility becomes overpowering love."

Krishnamurti, Letters to the Schools vol I, p 20