Trump - Sarah Cooper

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Sarah Anne Cooper (born c. 1984) is an American author and comedian based in New York City. In spring 2020, Cooper began publishing a series of videos online in which she lip-synched comments by Donald Trump.

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Cooper's first viral satire features her lip-synching to a minute of audio from the April 23 press briefing during which Trump suggested that light and household cleaners might have uses for treating coronavirus infections.

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Her first book, 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings, was published on October 4, 2016. Her second book, How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men's Feelings, was published on October 30, 2018. She has written for the animated TV series Science!

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She has subsequently produced several other similarly-themed videos. The videos are successes on social media platforms, and were reviewed as examples of how comedians could perform political satire without any audience, which was particularly germane due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.

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The videos are also noted as being examples of extremely economical political satire, since Cooper's videos are structured around an unedited voice clip of a politician speaking.

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