GOING PRO Price Database - SET UP

GOING PRO Price Database - SET UP

This screen allows you to customize your own version of GOING PRO. To begin with you will change the 'Header Text' and put your own details in there. This is the Header for all your PDF documents. Below it you have the fields for your bank account details, your address as the sender on the address label, 'Currency Symbol' for the currency you're using i.e. US$, £, € etc. 'Tax Type' as well as 'Default Percent' ... you shall enter your own data in these fields. 

However, these are right now the only sections you have to change, all others are optional ... to begin with anyway; I have put a blue line around the fields where the content is unique to you (I could make a joke here that you can leave my bank account details in there, but I won't!)

The next two fields are the 'Cost Estimate and B Invoice Usage Definition' and the 'B Invoice Overdue Warning' ... this is the fine print on your Invoice; alter them to reflect your requirements or taste.

Below that are the 'Payment Terms Cost Estimate' and the payment terms for the Invoices, as well as the 5 Item Headers; in case you don't know yet: There are 5 sections in the Cost Estimating / Invoicing system, and each section has a Header. Alter them to suit. 

Note: Should you indeed use section 5 to issue a discount, don't forget to put a minus '-' before the amount ... that section - like all others - is not designated a unique task, they all can be adapted and altered.

'Edit Media Categories', 'Duration' and 'Territory' are used throughout the documents ... customize them here; together with 'Commercial Work - Terms of Business' they are sections used in the Cost Estimate Cover, A Invoice and Price List ... the ToB are used to clarify your terms of usage. Leave them the way they appear here, or amend them to suit.

The 'Price Data Base Client Instructions' appear on the Price Data Base screen - I also call it the Cost Estimate (though this is not the 'formal' Cost Estimate) - the idea here is this: 

You can PDF this document and send it to your client. Now the two of you can knock out a 'Cost Estimate' ... where your client looks at this PDF and pencils in the numbers you insert into your Jobs Data Base Entry Layout. Try it. It's a great way of working out a quote at lightning speed! It is easy for you to point to the items in that list and explain why those charges are necessary ... it helps you too not to forget about items you need to include in your quote.

At the bottom you have the 'Talent Hiring Conditions' as they appear in the Talent Release Form ... if necessary, change them to reflect your local conditions. Now go and have a look at the Price Database, or - if you've been there already - at more Functions in the Jobs Database.